Floor has been working as a family lawyer and mediator for over 14 years now. She is a member of the Dutch Bar association and the Association for Family-lawers and mediators (vFas). She is also a member of the Dutch Federation of Mediators ( MfN) and the association of collaborative professionals ( VvCP). Because Floor has lived in the Unites States for several years she speaks English fluently.
She has worked for several highly specialized family-law firms but started her own firm in 2012 in the Hague with great succes. Floor works together with financial experts and psychologists if this is necessary in the process.
Family Legal Advice
As a family lawyer listening is a big part of her job. By really understanding the problem a solution can be found. Floor is soft in the relationship but clear about the content, that makes her a great mediator and negotiator. Floor understands te law which makes her leading in a litigated divorce. Het clients are mostly high professionals who seek family legal advice.